Mckenzie Family!

Mckenzie Family!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Trick or Treat everybody!

Today was Edwards first time going trick or treat. He went as Winnie the Pooh. He was so adorable. We went to my moms neighborhood. We had a big group of our family that went with us. It was so much fun watching all of the young kids together. I think it is so wonderful that Edward will have so many kids around his age to play with. I am also glad that he is so close to his family. I am so happy because I never had that when I was growing up. We went all around the block. It got pretty cold after a bit so I put him in the stroller and covered him up. When we got back to my moms house, we went through the candy and edward and i shared a sucker! He loved it! he got all stickey and messy. I cant wait till next year when he will be able to enjoy it.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A day of not much to do!

Today we found ourselves with not much to do. We layed around the house for most of the morning. It was nice since we are about to move on the 20th of November. Life has been pretty busey lately. So we took the opportunity to go and play around town. We went shopping art Kroger, and we really like the kroger by where we are moving! soooo much nicer! Then we went to Cord Camera and looked at cases for zachs camera and some scrapbooking stuff for me. Then we went to wallmart and looked at stuff. When we got home edward was in a funny mood. He thought EVERYTHING was funny! You could be talking to someone else and he would start laughing! He has the cutest laugh. It almost sounds like he is trying to catch his breath but he is smiling. We put my hat on him and he thought it was silly. I geave him tape to play with too, but he was not sure what to do with that. He looked at it so seriously. lol. I love these moments with my family. I probly love it so much because a day of nothing to do does not happen very often. It makes me so happy to see my son so happy. Everytime he smiles, he gives me a warm feeling and I realize how blessed I am to have such a wonderfull family! Tomorrow is Trick-or-Treat night. Edward is going as Whinnie the Pooh Bear. We decided we are going to go to my moms neighborhood. We have other family there and it seems like a good neighborhood to go around.  I cant wait to see him in his Costume.

Carving Pumpkins!

This past Wednesday we carved pumpkins for the first time with Edward. We thought he would hate it, though he did very well. We let him touch the inside and he was very focused on it! He tried eating the goop, and thought it tasted pretty good on his hands. Zach did the carving and Edward and I did the removing of the inside. We made sure to keep the seeds because we dried them out and baked them for Grandma. She loves pumpkin seeds and has not had them in a long time. In a nut shell, I think the first pumpkin for Edward went very well. Next year I want to take him to a pumpkin patch. He will be a year old by then and should be walking. If he continues standing like he has, he will be walking by 6 months! lol. Maybe not, but who knows.